Piero Schinasi
President of the Board of Directors
E-mail: schinasi@ensr.ch
Nicolas Catsicas
Managing Director
General Director
E-mail: catsicas@ensr.ch
Isabel Matos
Financial and Administrative Director
E-mail: matos@ensr.ch
Nadia Egger
Marketing and Admissions Director
E-mail: egger@ensr.ch
Jaffra Khelil
Dean High School
E-mail: khelil@ensr.ch
Fabien Droxler
Dean Middle School
E-mail: droxler@ensr.ch
Melissa Von der Mühll
Dean Kindergarden, Montessori and Primary
E-mail: vondermuehll@ensr.ch
Alexander Van Aartrijk
Dean Sports
E-mail: vanaartrijk@ensr.ch
Administration | Board of Directors | Academic |
AVRIL Amélie Secretary – Receptionist info@ensr.ch |
CATSICAS Nicolas General Director/Managing Director catsicas@ensr.ch |
DROXLER Fabien Dean Middle School droxler@ensr.ch |
CAVACO Luis IT Manager informatique@ensr.ch |
CHEVALLAZ Jean-Marc Business Economist jmchevallaz@bluewin.ch |
DUBRUILLE Marie Swiss Maturity Coordinator dubruille@ensr.ch |
DUPUGET Silvia Accounting dupuget@ensr.ch |
DE COURTEN Alix Barrister alixdecourten@gmail.com |
FRANZINI Gaétan International Baccalaureate Coordinator franzini@ensr.ch |
DUPUGET Tristan Accounting assistant fournisseurs@ensr.ch |
DUBUIS Jean-François Director Senior School of Beaulieu dubuisjf@gmail.com |
KHELIL Jaffra Dean High School khelil@ensr.ch |
EGGER Nadia Marketing and Admissions Director egger@ensr.ch |
DE MITRI Thierry Accounting thierry@demitri.ch |
ROSSE Frédéric Librarian bibliotheque@ensr.ch |
GANDHI Silvia Students School Counselor gandhi@ensr.ch |
DERMANGE François Professor of ethics at UNIGE francois.dermange@unige.ch |
VAN AARTRIJK Sander Dean Sports vanaartrijk@ensr.ch |
GOLAY Charlotte Secretary golay@ensr.ch |
FAURE Claire-Alix Administrator cali021@yahoo.com |
VAN WIJK Caroline & TOMLINSON Stacy English Coordinator Kindergarten and Primary vanwijk@ensr.ch & tomlinson@ensr.ch |
LOURENCO Jade Secretary lourenco@ensr.ch |
LEVY Stéphane Manager Vice-president slevy@codefine.ch |
VON DER MÜHLL Melissa Dean Kindergarden, Montessori and Primary vondermuehll@ensr.ch |
MATOS Filipe Human Ressources rh@ensr.ch |
SCHINASI Piero Administrator President schinasi@ensr.ch |
PINA ROD Linda Secretary – Receptionist info@ensr.ch |
TSIMARATOS Jean-Louis Barrister jltsimaratos@fbt.ch |
RIHS Michael Secretary rihs@ensr.ch |