
How The Activities In The Holiday Daycare Programme At Private School Promote Positive Development

September 12, 2023

When the school holidays arrive, many parents face challenges keeping their children engaged in fun yet enriching activities. With this in mind, ENSR has developed a summer holiday daycare where children participate in activities that promote positive development. We take a holistic approach to learning, using play and fun educational activities to help children develop cognitively, socially, and physically. Keep reading to learn more about the activities at our holiday daycare that promote positive development. 

Gymnastics And Psychomotricity Promote Physical And Mental Development

At ENSR, physical education plays a vital role in our programmes. Children at our holiday daycare enjoy activities such as gymnastics which not only help children develop better motor skills and physical ability, improving their balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, and control. Gymnastics also presents physical challenges that when faced successfully, give children a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Psychomotricity is a method that links body and mind and encourages children to become aware of their environments and their place within it. These activities involve spontaneous movement which allows children to express themselves and gain confidence.

private school daycare children doing gymnastics

Daycare at our private school encourages physical development.

Creative Activities Help Children Build Essential Cognitive Skills 

The holiday daycare programme at our private school exposes children to creative activities such as arts, crafts and cooking. Similarly to the way that gymnastics and psychomotricity come together to challenge children physically, their participation in creative activities will help them jumpstart cognitive development and get a head start on early learning (ie. colors and shapes). Children also develop their fine motor skills as they practice cutting, gluing, painting, drawing, sculpting, and cooking tasks. Arts and crafts allow children to use their imaginations and use their critical thinking skills. Cooking introduces children to various numerical skills, allows them to use their creativity, and proudly share their treats with family when they take home their cooking at the end of the day.

private school daycare children doing crafts

Children at our private school daycare programme develop creativity through crafts and cooking.

The Holiday Daycare Program Provides Essential Free Time 

As valuable as structured play is for child development, free time is arguably equally important. Just like adults, children thrive when they have time to think and have a sense of control over their own time and actions. This helps them develop their independence. During free time, children enjoy construction games, storytime, and drawing. Our international school in Switzerland offers this daycare programme to children ages 2,5 to 7. 

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