
Three Reasons To Immerse Your Child in a Francophone Learning Environment For One Year

November 27, 2023

For students aged 12-19 who wish to join our boarding school for one year, we offer a tailored programme which immerses students in a francophone learning environment. ENSR is committed to providing a safe and nurturing space for students to learn, helping them to excel in their language and other academic studies.

With a balanced focus on academics, extracurriculars, socializing as well as mental and physical well-being, students who participate in our one-year program learn how to be the best version of themselves. Surrounded by supportive faculty and staff whilst settled into a family-like community in the tranquility of Switzerland, students benefit from a transformative and unforgettable experience.

1. Engage in a Multicultural Bilingual School

ENSR is a bilingual school hosting students from various countries, cultures, and backgrounds. The programme at ENSR, which prepares students for the Swiss Maturity Diploma as well as the International Baccalaureate Diploma, delivers rigorous academics that help students meet the requirements of their chosen diploma programme and their desired post-secondary education. Following this curriculum with fellow bilingual peers allows our one-year programme students to make the most of their time at ENSR. Together, students learn how to become responsible and respectful global citizens as they learn about one another and explore new cultures.

Our bilingual school engages students in a multicultural environment.

2. Benefit From a Warm and Inviting Environment

In and outside the classroom, students are embraced with warm welcomes and a sense of belonging at ENSR. Our tight-knit community is dedicated to the well-rounded development of every student, paying close attention to their health and wellness overall. Students who attend our Swiss boarding school for the one-year program always feel at home from day one. This is possible thanks to the boarding facilities, personalized attention from teachers, the lifelong friendships they form, and more.

It is truly a gift for students at such a formative age to be able to improve their French in an immersive and caring space. With this level of support, students aren’t afraid to get outside of their comfort zone and to lean into the challenge.

3. Make the Most of Academic and Leisure Time

It can be tough knowing how to spend healthy leisure time if there aren’t many options in the area. When students attend ENSR, they are introduced to a world of nature in abundance, vibrant culture, sports and leisure. Leisure time at ENSR is when students are invited to participate in the varied sporting, cultural and recreational activities organized by the school both on and off campus. Visiting the lake on hot summer days and accessing the Alps for skiing in the winter, students remain active and get to explore year-round.

Students at our bilingual school enjoy a balance between learning and fun.

Extracurriculars are an important part of young adulthood, and students who get to experience new activities together form important bonds that help them further enjoy their school years. This personal development benefits students as they engage in further studies and continue to build valuable and meaningful relationships.

Interested in learning more about our international high school?

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